Sunday, 3 February 2008

Caretaking to be part-privatised at least, confirm Camden Lib Dems

Senior Lib Dems have confirmed in the local papers that the service will be part-privatised at the very least, despite the opposition of tenants' leaders from across the borough.

Kilburn Cllr. James King wrote in the Camden New Journal this week that the council is right to pursue the "partial outsourcing cleaning services" (Lib Dem Cllr. James King, 31 Jan 2008)

Critics from caretakers' union UNISON and camden Labour have been dismissed, as the council looks to the kinds services offered by other, Tory or Lib Dem boroughs. This often means fewer 'regular' caretakers at much lower wages, terms and conditions - and a poorer service for local people.

The Lib Dems have provided a variety of answers for their policy: from the need to extract efficiencies, to less government money.

But the Town hall is currently using £10 million from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to build brand new offices at Bidborough House - the real reason for the drive, we ask?

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