Thursday, 7 August 2008

Lib Dem national youth crime policy launch bungle at youth project Camden Lib Dems cut

New Lib Dem national policy on youth crime is in tatters today after bungling Lib Dem Chris Huhne MP today committed a massive gaffe by attacking Labour for not doing enough about youth crime, during the launch of his new national policy document, a Life Away from Crime, at a Camden youth club his Lib Dem administration notoriously cut funding from this very year!

Huhne said at the launch today: "If we want to tackle the problem of youth crime, we need to take action early to stop kids from embarking on a life of crime before it’s too late.”

Quite – so why did his Lib Dem colleagues cut funding from the Haven youth club then – and clubs in other deprived areas? To recap, Castlehaven Community Association is a centre providing services for the local community mainly activities for children / young people and for older people.

But this year Lib Dem-run Camden Council cut the budget for the youth club by £25,000, 52% of the grant. This affects the services it provides and the complete viability of the club.

The club has only just managed to cover the shortfall temporarily but this will not be possible moving ahead.

The Haven is the only youth club in the area, serving a population with the second highest level of deprivation in the borough and one of those with the highest numbers of children. It is extremely well regarded, has been praised by external inspectors, practitioners, the council others agencies as well as young people themselves.

In February it hosted the borough’s knife workshop. It has a purpose build media studio, youth club and sports facilities, and this Friday hosts the Camden Unity Cup. Its intergenerational work has been much praised bringing old and young people together.

The plight of the youth club was highlighted by Ed Balls in a visit this April – see this YouTube clip, which includes an interview with a key worker whose job was under threat.

The Haven was a victim of the Lib Dem inspired funding reworking which saw council funds moved away from areas previously designated as regeneration areas – the poorest and most in need of such services, effectively cutting services in those areas of highest need.

At a council deputation by Castlehaven in April the cuts were criticised by Labour councillors as well as a Conservative councillors, one who actually said it was Lib Dem politicing to fund their areas, which does seem the case.

The other clubs in deprived areas the Lib Dems have cut funding to are:
- Samuel Lithgow in Regents Park Ward -34% cut in funding
- Queen’s Crescent - covering Gospel Oak / Haverstock wards
- Highgate Newtown Juice Bar - Highgate ward

At the deputation in April the then Lib Dem Executive member said they had “other priorities” but said they would look at other funding for Castlehaven. But little has happened since then though the new exec member visited recently and praised services. They have also not allocated the large chunk of government / Mayor’s money for youth funding granted to Camden yet. R

ed-faced Lib Dems need to stop national policy launches at services they have cut, and start funding them again.

The Lib Dems point the finger at government funding for councils - but this doesn't wash in Camden, where the Lib Dems have just admitted to a £10 million services underspend this year.