Thursday, 17 January 2008

Caretaking to be privatised by Tory/Lib Dems

Camden Unison last week gave a vote of no confidence in housing chief Cllr. Chris Naylor after his plans to axe council tenants caretaking were revealed. Caretakers, many of whom live in the blocks they clean, are the ‘ears and ears’ of estates – providing a vital link between tenants (sometimes vulnerable ones) and the council. Camden housing staff have warned of council plans to reduce Camden’s service, in order to save money.

In today's CNJ Naylor tries, strangley, to blame "the government" for his own plans - but the new "Housing Management Improvement Plan" is totally his idea and his creature.
Plans include:
- A centralised (i.e. not district-based) call centre for rent queries
- Proposals to privatise the caretaking service and get rid of residential caretakers
- Less housing staff, with bigger patches, to provide the service

The plans have not been set out in full, but drip-fed from the council in order to avoid a full debate.

At the next Full Council meeting on Moday Labour will be promoting a motion against privatising caretaking – a test for Coalition councillors who profess to represent council tenants in areas with large estates like Kilburn, Cantelowes, Kentish Town, Gospel Oak, Haverstock, Camden Town with Primrose Hill and Highgate.